
Town of Fallsburg, New York

Online Submission for Building Permits

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For commercial development : 

** Please be aware that while the Town of Fallsburg Planning Board will continue to review all applications on the merits and based on Town of Fallsburg Zoning Code, Subdivision Code, and other applicable laws and regulations, a Planning Board approval does not guarantee issuance of a water or sewer permit by the Department of Public Works.  Due to current and expected future constraints on both the water and sewer systems, which were discussed and open to public comment during a joint Town Board, Planning Board, and Zoning Board of Appeals meeting on May 9, 2022, all water and sewer connection and extension applications will be accepted or denied based on the then-existing facts and circumstances. Each application made for connection or extension to the Town of Fallsburg water or sewer systems will include a review by the Town Engineer and will be guided by the Town Engineer’s expertise and knowledge about the Town’s water and sewer systems, the public health, safety, and welfare, and the publicly available water and sewer systems information that is posted at the Department of Public Works for public viewing.  The Town Board is taking reasonable measures to address the water and sewer capacity issues. **

Please CLICK HERE to download the Owner's Proxy


Department Emails:

 codeclerk@fallsburgny.com -  gpitula@fallsburgny.com  – codeclerk2@fallsburgny.com

Town of Fallsburg, New York Building Department