
City of Syracuse Service Requests

Lookup by Address

For requests concerning a specific property, you can search by the property address, the owner's name or the tax map number (Section, Block and Lot number(SBL))

Street #:  Street: 

Lookup by Area

For requests concerning the public right-of-way (e.g. streets, sidewalks, traffic lights, curbs, storm drains, utility poles, etc.), you can search by street(e.g., Salina St N), street section(e.g., Salina St N to Isabella St), or the Intersection(e.g., Salina St N & Catawba St). If you don’t see the exact location of your concern, select a location close to it, and you can further describe the location in your description of the complaint.


Permits and Permit Applications are now on the web portal!


 Permit type, status and a description of permitted work is displayed for permits issued by the Permit Desk (Code Enforcement) and the Permit Consultation Office (Public Works).  If you have the permit or permit application number, click on “Go To Transaction” and enter the number to see permit information. Or click on “Lookup Parcel or Location” and look up the property or location of the permitted work and click on “View” to see the permit information.



Why Can’t I Find My Address? 

What is “SBL”? 

What does “Area-Based” mean?

I entered a service request – why don’t I see it?  

When will the City respond to my request? 

Why do I have to provide contact information?


Look up Parcel or Location 

Lookup by Address

Lookup by Area

Go To Transaction

Submit a Request

File a Property based Complaint/Service Request

File an Area based Complaint/Service Request

Viewing Activity 


To file anonymous requests please call City Line at 315-448-CITY (2489).