
Resident Service Request







Why Can’t I Find My Address?

Property addresses listed within this system appear as recorded in the Town of Penfield’s assessment roll and may not be exactly as you know it. Example: Typing “125 Penfield Road” may not find any results; the official address may actually be “123 to 127 Penfield Rd.” Adjectives such as north, south, east and west could also be at the end of an address. Try searching just by the street name: enter “Penfield” and select from the choices provided. Properties are also identified by a unique Section Block and Lot number or “SBL,” for real estate tax purposes. If you do not know a property’s exact address, owner/business, or SBL, go to Monroe County’s “Real Property Portal” for this information. 


What does “Area-Based” mean?

Some service requests, concerns, or permits, pertain to locations within a public right-of-way, not private property. Area-Based examples include Traffic signs, utility poles, roads, and sidewalks. To identify the location of an Area-Based, select from a list of street names or intersections; click on the area that best describes the location of the activity. If the exact location is not available, select a location closest to it, you can further describe the location in your description of the service need. 


Why don’t I see my submitted service request?

A service request will appear on the next business day. If a similar service request has been entered for a property, subsequent requests may not appear individually. Only a limited amount of historical data is available online. Service requests made before the introduction of this web-based service, likely are not available online. 


When will the Town respond to my request?

A request will be reviewed within 24 hours of submission during regular business hours. Response times vary depending on the nature of your request, the severity of the problem, staff resources, and other factors. 


Why do I have to provide contact information?

To file a service request online, the Town requires your name and email address so a staff member can reach out to you with any questions they may have, and to provide a response to your request. Please note that all submitted contact information will remain confidential. 





Lookup Parcel or Location (Search)

Search for a particular property by address, owner/business or SBL through “Lookup by Address.” 

Search by location through “Lookup by Area.” 


If you do not know a property’s assessment record information go to Monroe County’s “Real Property Portal.”


By Address: Property addresses listed within the “Resident Service Request” system appear as recorded in the Town of Penfield’s assessment roll and may not be exactly as you know it. Example: Typing “125 Penfield Road” may not find any results; the official address may actually be “123 to 127 Penfield Rd.” Adjectives such as north, south, east and west could also be at the end of an address. Try searching just by the street name: enter “Penfield” and select from the choices provided. 


By Owner/Business: If you know the name of the property owner (the person or entity’s name) use this search function. The name entered must match exactly to the name that appears on the Town’s assessment records. Less information may be helpful to choose a name from the search results. 


By SBL: If you know the property’s unique Section Block and Lot number use this search function. The number entered must match exactly the SBL recorded in the Town’s assessment roll.


By Location: Use this Lookup for locations that are not associated with a specific property address, i.e., not on private property. Examples include streets, traffic signs, utility poles, intersections, and sidewalks. Enter the street name or closest intersection. If you do not see the exact location of your search, select a location closest to it. You can further describe the location in the description section of your service request. 


Lookup Parcel or Location (View)

When you’ve selected the property or location, you can view the activity associated with that property or location by selecting “View” on the right. You can select to see activity that is still being worked on (check “open”) or already resolved (check “closed”) or both. You can also select a date range to limit the search results to a specific time period. 


The following information is displayed: 

  • Date – the date the transaction was initiated 
  • Transaction # – each transaction is assigned a number. If you make a note of this number, you can search by it. 
  • Transaction – Service request/complaint 
  • Transaction Type – the specific type of service request or complaint 
  • Status – an “open” request is still being worked on; a “closed” request has been resolved 
  • Description – provides more detailed information about the request 
  • View – Click on “view” to see additional information about the request, such as actions taken, inspections and results. If a violation exists, each is listed with the violation date; the “comply by” date, and the status. 

Go To Transaction

When you know the transaction number assigned to a particular request, this function allows you to access the status quickly. Select the transition type, such as “Permit Application,” “Service Request,” and “Periodic Inspection” and then enter the “Transaction ID.” Click on “Search” to see more information about a particular transaction. 


Submit a Request: Parcel-Based Service Request

To enter a property based service request, first, identify the property. (This is completed the same as the lookup function; please refer to the instructions for Look up Parcel or Location.) 


Once a valid address is entered, click on the “Search Parcels” button. The property address will then appear in the upper left corner of the screen. Select the “Type” of service request you wish to file from the drop-down list. After selecting the type, please enter a more detailed description in the box labeled “Description.” Enter your “Contact Information.” First name, last name, and email address are required so the Town can contact you about your request. Address and/or telephone number are optional. “Attachments” allow you to upload up to three photos, images, or other documents to help explain your request. Please note that your contact information will remain confidential and it is requested for the purposes of follow up only.


Submit a Request: Area-Based Service Request

To enter an area-based service request, first, identify the location. (This is completed the same as the lookup function; please refer to the instructions for Look up Parcel or Location.) 


Once a valid location, click on the button “Search Areas,” the location will appear in the upper left corner of the screen. Select the “Type” of service request you wish to file from the drop-down list. After selecting the type, “Specify Location” by further describing the location requiring service. Enter either the house or building number (or numbers) the location is near, or enter the nearest intersection(s). You can’t enter both. “Area Description” lets you add more detail about the location of your service request. Enter your “Contact Information.” First name, last name, and email address are required so the Town can contact you about your request. Address and/or telephone number are optional. “Attachments” allow you to upload up to three photos, images, or other documents to help explain your request. Please note that your contact information will remain confidential and it is required for the purposes of follow up only.


Service requests

If you require any additional information related to the Building and Zoning Department, or its actions, please call (585) 340-8636 or submit a Freedom of Information Application (FOIA) to the Penfield Town Clerk. 


Permits and Permit Applications 

  • For additional information on permits issued by the Building and Zoning Department, please contact (585) 340-8636.
  • For permits issued by the Department of Public Works, please contact (585) 340-8710



For Town news and information please visit www.Penfield.org

  • Penfield Town Hall: 3100 Atlantic Avenue, Penfield N.Y. 14526
  • Penfield DPW: 1607 Jackson Road, Penfield N.Y. 14526